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We reduce the severity and frequency of medical claims

What we do

TRANSPERRA simplifies the complexity of navigating health insurance. By leveraging the knowledge and skills of a team with decades of diverse experience, newly available technologies and a mission to guide, inform and empower healthcare consumers, Transperra is delivering lower costs and better outcomes for people across the health insurance spectrum.


Healthcare isn’t broken. It’s working exactly as it’s been designed, where financial objectives drive decisions. Becoming an informed and empowered consumer of healthcare through the services of Transperra means saving substantial money and returning the intended purpose of benefits to the people they’re supposed to help.

Modern Doctors

Who do we do it for?

For TPAs?

Yes, For their brokers

For Brokers

Yes, For their clients

For Employers

Yes, For their employees

For Employees


What you get

Providing compassionate concierge service when needed most! 

Why? It's the law!

Transparency in Coverage (TiC)

Effective for plan years beginning on or after Jan. 1, 2023, group health plans and health insurance issuers must make an internet-based price comparison tool available to participants, beneficiaries, and enrollees. This requirement comes from final rules regarding Transparency in Coverage (TiC Final Rules) that were issued by the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and the Treasury (Departments) in November 2020. 

Why is it so important?

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Actual data is used for our navigation


Transperra uses a myriad of data to help educate healthcare consumers. In addition, every Transperra Pathfinder works with the insured helping them determine the highest quality and value available for any procedure. With Transperra, they remove the guesswork and pursue healthcare with absolute certainty, for FREE.

Hospital Chargemasters
Medicare Cost Reports
Facility HCRIS Data
Medicare Facility Ratings
Medicare Rates from MACS
Medicare Facility Ratings
Facility Impact Scores
Medicare MS-DRG Rates

We are here to serve and help you navigate through your healthcare benefits and get the best access to care!

Helping you take care of all your healthcare needs!


Don't Feel too Bad.

There are no shortages of publications illustarting the amount of profits the major insurance carriers are enjoying. Under the Affordable Care Acr (ACA), insurance carriers can not make more than 20 cents on the dollars. Given that, it is incredible the amounts of profit that are being generated. Last year alone the 7 major insurance carriers recorded profits over 35 Billion yet youo take increases virtually every year.

In 2019, a study from academic researchers found that 66.5 percent of all bankruptcies were tied to medical issues


Transperra- How we Deploy

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Red e app is the ecosystem of our program. Downline communications, updates, notifications, navigation services and so much more. 
Patient Navigation Services
 Virtual Services
Inpatient Services
Mental Health Services
Outpatient Services

We put our money where our mouth is

We are so confident we can navigate members to substantial savings that we only get paid when we deliver savings.

Who do we help? Everybody!

How do we get paid?

We charge a percentage of the savings that we deliver to your medical plan when a member engages.
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How do we determine the percentage?

If the member has already been referred to a facility, we will use the cost at that facility for the benchmark in determining the percent of save.

What if there has been no referral?

Once we determine the highest quality/ highest value facility, we will take an average of the charges for all higher cost facilities within 30 miles of where we direct the patient.

If we can not provide savings or if the member is already going to the lowest cost facility, you owe us nothing.
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